10 things I want to do by 30

I celebrated a birthday recently, my twenty seventh, and although I generally don’t fret about birthdays and new years, I’ve been pondering my life and all that I have and haven’t achieved in 27 years.

Firstly I’m pretty happy. I’ve got a great job with people I really like working with. I’m learning constantly. I have a good group of friends who support me when needed and berate me when needed. I’ve aquired a fair amount of “stuff” that makes me happy and I’ve got my health.

So why make a list? Well I haven’t achieved *everything* I wanted to achieve by 27 and mostly because I, like most people on this planet, find it very easy to procrastinate and/or get bogged down with the little things. I’m a big fan of lists for the little things in life so why not apply that same principle to the big things.

10 things I want to do by 30 (3 years)

  1. Stop paying someone elses bond
  2. Get fitter than I am now
  3. Do the penisula hike I’ve been planning for years
  4. Stop paying someone else to do my taxes
  5. Learn Python
  6. Travel in Africa
  7. Read Cryptonomicon
  8. Write one of the many stories bouncing around in my head
  9. Take more photographs and get better at doing it.

So there you go, I open it up to the floor.

What should my number 10 be?


You lose Computicket, YOU LOSE!

Never before have I been so floored by the absolute uselessness of an online process as I was 2 weeks ago when I tried to use Nu Metro’s online booking process powered by Computicket.

compu0.pngThe Computicket site requires Java to run. I run Linux, so even though I’m able to install Java I chose not to for security reasons. So, I load up my virtual machine and browse the site using Internet Explorer 7 under windows. Off to a bad start.

Lets have a look at the site. First of all, the color scheme is terrible. It looks like something put together by a color blind person in 1994. I love the way they have taken advantage of the Internet Explorer’s customizable scroll bars, because, like, red and yellow are classy.

Next up we have the interface. At first it looks ok. Then you start using your brain. The blue box is the cinema. Check. The white dot is the cursor. You wonder, where are the seats? Are they all available? Am I losing my mind.

You assume simply that maybe the entire cinema is empty. On the right you click the up arrow twice to select that you want 2 tickets. Then you click somewhere. hoping to find an open seat.

(If you’re seeing this in an aggregated form, the rest of this story is on my site)

Continue reading “You lose Computicket, YOU LOSE!”